Voter Fact Sheet
What Do I need to Bring to Vote In-Person
Every voter is required to show proof of identity when voting in person. You need a valid government issued ID that includes your name, photo and the address where you are registered to vote (ex. AZ driver license or tribal ID). If that ID does not match your voter record, you need two forms of ID (Per A.R.S. § 16-579(A)). Find the full list at GetID.Maricopa.Vote. A few examples include:
Official Election Mail
Bank Statement or Utility Bill
Tribal ID with or without photo
Voter Registration Card (BeBallotReady.Vote)
Valid AZ Vehicle Registration or Insurance Card
If a voter does not have sufficient identification, the voter will be issued a provisional ballot. In order to be a valid and counted ballot, the voter must provide sufficient ID to the County Recorder five (5) days after a jurisdictional election.
Where can I vote in Person
Early, in-person voting begins on July 3, 2024 and Election Day is Tuesday, July 30, 2024. Find voting locations and hours of operation at Locations.Maricopa.Vote.
Is Voting By Mail Secure?
Yes. Voting by mail is secure. All ballot affidavit envelopes require a signature that is compared against a known signature on the official voter registration file. Maricopa County has internal controls and tracking methods for ballot security beginning from when the ballot is initially mailed, to how voted ballots are transported from the post office to onsite security and more. Maricopa County performs multiple audit checks before and after ballots are tabulated. Only verified ballots are counted. All uncounted ballots and the reason are included in the official canvass. Learn more about election security at BeBallotReady.Vote.
What do you use to verify my signature? What if it has changed?
Election workers check the signature on your green affidavit envelope against all known signatures in your official voter registration file and past affidavit signatures. Our signature verification process has multi-level checks to ensure only valid signatures are counted. Make sure you provide your phone number on the green affidavit envelope. Election workers use it to contact voters with questionable signatures. State law provides voters with questionable signatures five business days after this election to confirm (cure) their signature. To update your signature on file, you must complete a new paper voter registration form. Learn more at BeBallotReady.Vote.
Does the barcode on the Ballot Envelope indicate what party we belong to?
No, the barcode on the outer envelope refers to the style of ballot inside. The only Identification on the envelope to the person is their signature.
I will be away from home at the time of the Election, can I still Vote?
Yes, however, Arizona law does not allow official election materials, such as ballots, to be forwarded by the Post Office. If you would like to have your ballot mailed to a temporary mailing address, make your request by calling the Maricopa County elections team at (602) 506-1511 or send an email to If emailing, please provide your Full Name, Residence Address, Temporary Mailing Address and Date of Birth for verification purposes. If you are in the military or a military family member stationed out of the county, or you live overseas, please find out more information at MilitaryOverseas.Maricopa.Vote.
I damaged my Ballot. Can I get a new one?
You may request a replacement ballot be mailed to you by calling (602) 506-1511 or by emailing You may also vote a new ballot by visiting any open Vote Center found at Locations.Maricopa.Vote.
I’m visually Impaired, how can I vote?
Maricopa County voters may request braille or large print ballots by calling (602) 506-1511. Voters who need assistance due to a confining illness or disability may request a Special Election Board. Call (602) 506-1511 or email for more information and include your Full Name, Residence Address, Contact Information and Date of Birth for verification purposes. Accessible voting devices are available at all voting locations, as well as curbside voting for voters who are unable to leave their vehicle due to physical limitations.
How Do I Know my Ballot was counted?
Every ballot is tracked upon delivery and receipt. Track your ballot by texting "JOIN" to 628-683 or online at BeBallotReady.Vote.
You can email or call 602-506-1511 during normal business hours.
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